What are the legal requirements to run for president in Iceland?
Nominees must be a minimum of 35 years old.
To nominate, there is a requirement for 1,500-3,000 signatures of Icelandic citizens with representation from all quadrants of the country.
South: min. 1,233 signatures / max. 2,465 signatures
West Fjords: min. 56 signatures / max. 112 signatures
North: min. 157 signatures / max. 314 signatures
East: min. 54 signatures / max. 109 signatures
If elected, how would a glacier greet foreign dignitaries?
They will be offered a glass of jöklakalt water.
For foreign dignitaries who visit Snæfellsnes, we will have a “Hnallþóra” welcoming committee in Hellnar, full of cakes and coffee.
They may be invited to meet with local specialists in fields such as glaciology, Earth systems science, ecophilosophy, Earth law, or ecological artistic research.
How will presidential visits be arranged?
1. Snæfellsjökull will always be available via livestream webcams.
2. A bottle of glacial meltwater will attend official international engagements.
What function will Bessastaðir serve?
Bessastaðir will retain its primary uses as a meeting and celebration space for locals and visitors.
A dedicated multisensory display will be installed at Bessastaðir that allows visitors to engage with the President through sight, sound, touch, temperature, and other learning modalities.
Additionally, short-term, temporary office space will be offered to pop-up NGO, scientific, and art projects directly linked to issues of human interactions with Icelandic ecosystems.
How will Snæfellsjökull perform presidential duties in Alþingi?
As per Article 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Iceland, "if the President is unable to perform his duties..., the Prime Minister, the President of Alþingi and the President of the Supreme Court shall exercise presidential authority. The President of Alþingi shall preside at their meetings. In a divergence of opinion among them, the majority shall prevail."
What is fundraising money for?
1. Operational, promotional, and legal costs pertaining to the campaign.
2. All human volunteers are donating their time and resources to actualise the campaign.
3. All money remaining after the campaign will be donated to Landsbjörg.
Where can I learn more about Rights of Nature campaigns around the world?
The Rights of Nature Tribunal contains a plethora of active cases and legislative proposals.
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) has a database of individual and organisation members pursuing this cause.
Bolivia became the first nation to adopt a Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth in 2010. The Declaration acts as a template, a guideline, a teacher for other Rights of Nature campaigns.
What other art projects or collectives are campaigning for the Rights of Nature?